Principal Bahria University College Of Allied Health Sciences
Welcome to Bahria University College of Allied Health Sciences (BUCAHS). Your choice of Selection in Bahria University College of Allied Health Sciences is the evidence of shear hard work, incessant struggle and relentless efforts towards achieving the goals. This BUCAHS College includes 4-year degree programs of allied health sciences including BS-Medical Lab Technology and BS- Biotechnology. State of the art facilities and adroit faculty of this campus will ensure smooth transition of a student to a highly trained graduate and practitioner. The logical convergence towards the aim will be explained stepwise in the study guide which includes forthcoming activities, content, and learning strategies.
The highly proficient PhD teaching faculty will provide necessary guidance related to learning objectives, effective use of teaching tools and integrated teaching methods. The allied health sciences programs including BS-Medical Lab Technology and BS-Biotechnology also support social and moral development of a medical student besides achieving academic excellence. A team of
The mandate of allied health science technologies education is to equip allied health professionals with requisite knowledge, skills and attitude. As an allied health science student and professional, it is expected of you to keep an exemplary character and honest morality. Plan and strive hard with full sincerity and devotion. This marks the beginning of your professional career where attitude defines your altitude and acts as a panacea in practical life. highly trained and professional teachers act as mentors to guide students on social and academic related affairs.
The mandate of allied health science technologies education is to equip allied health professionals with requisite knowledge, skills and attitude. As an allied health science student and professional, it is expected of you to keep an exemplary character and honest morality. Plan and strive hard with full sincerity and devotion. This marks the beginning of your professional career where attitude defines your altitude and acts as a panacea in practical life.