The branch of medicine dealing with the care of female reproductive organs’s health and dedicated to the management of obstetric (fetal) complications, even through surgery is gynecology and Obstetrics. Learning
in the wards is expected to be driven by the student’s own initiative. Medical students will practice communication, interviewing and examination skills by taking histories from female patients with symptoms pertaining to reproductive system. The students maintain the privacy of the patients, without breaking
cultural and gender norms as practiced in Pakistani society. Students will attend patients in the outdoor clinics, labor room, operation theatre, and participate in the management of emergencies. Students will write histories
and clinical reports of cases attended in the OPD, labor room, and operation theatre and maintain a log book which will be assessed for internal evaluation. BUMDC has established a Gynaecology and Obstetrics Skill lab in which
students acquire skill of doing different gynaecological and obstetrical OPD procedures, labour room deliveries etc. Also it is a place for problem solving interactive sessions (PSIL) of the students.