Otorhinolaryngology is the specialty which deals with the diseases of the ear, nose, throat, head & neck. This subject is mainly taught in 3rd and 4th years. Final examination of the subject is held at the end of 4th year MBBS. Instructional strategy for this subject includes lectures, tutorials, OPD teaching, ward rounds and Operation Theater teaching. Students of 3rd year are rotated for ENT clinical teaching in small groups for 4 weeks. Students of 4th year are rotated for ENT clinical posting two times for 3 weeks each. Whole ENT subject is divided into 3 modules during the 4th year. First module (module X) covers the diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity and pharynx. Second (module XI) is the diseases of the ear while the third (module XII) is diseases of the larynx and head & neck.