Bahria University College of Medicine, Islamabad
Research Ethics Evaluation Proforma
Section 1: Project Information
- Project Title:
- Principal Investigator:
- Name:
- Department:
- Contact Information:
- Co-Investigators:
- Names and Departments:
- Project Duration:
- Start Date:
- End Date:
- Funding Source:
Section 2: Research Proposal Summary
- Abstract:
- Provide a brief summary of the research project, including objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes (max 300 words).
- Research Objectives:
- Clearly state the aims and objectives of the research.
- Background and Rationale:
- Explain the significance and relevance of the research.
- Methodology:
- Detailed description of the research design, data collection methods, and analysis plan.
Section 3: Ethical Considerations
- Informed Consent:
- Describe the process for obtaining informed consent from participants.
- Attach the informed consent form.
- Confidentiality and Privacy:
- Explain how participants’ confidentiality and privacy will be protected.
- Data storage and security measures.
- Risk Assessment:
- Identify any potential risks to participants.
- Describe the measures to minimize these risks.
- Benefits:
- Outline the potential benefits of the research to participants and society.
- Vulnerable Populations:
- Identify if the study involves vulnerable populations (e.g., children, pregnant women).
- Explain the additional protections in place for these groups.
- Compensation:
- Describe any compensation or incentives for participants.
- Conflict of Interest:
- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
Section 4: Legal and Regulatory Compliance
- Ethical Approval:
- Has the study been approved by another ethics committee? (If yes, provide details)
- Approval reference number.
- Compliance with National and International Guidelines:
- Ensure the research complies with relevant national and international ethical guidelines.
Section 5: Investigator’s Assurance
I, the undersigned, assure that the information provided in this proforma is accurate and that the research will be conducted in accordance with the ethical guidelines and regulations set forth by Bahria University College of Medicine and relevant national/international standards.
- Principal Investigator’s Signature:
- Date:
Section 6: Ethics Committee Review
(To be filled out by the Ethics Committee)
- Date Received:
- Committee Members Present:
- Decision:
- Approved
- Approved with Conditions
- Revisions Required
- Rejected
- Comments/Conditions:
- Committee Chairperson’s Signature:
- Date:
This proforma is designed to ensure that all research conducted under the auspices of Bahria University College of Medicine meets the highest ethical standards, protecting the rights and welfare of participants and upholding the integrity of the research process