Submission Guidelines


To submit your paper please go to submission In case you face any technical issue send us an email at with your personal information and query.

Submission Guidelines are mentioned below:

  •  Articles should be limited to 4000-6000 words, including (title page, abstract, main text, notes, an alphabetical references, tables and biographical statement).
  • The manuscript text should follow Times News Roman theme having font size 12 for the text and 14 for headings, line spacing throughout the document should be (1.5).
  • Tables and figures should also be in separate documents in high resolution for printing purposes.
  • The manuscript should be submitted on Chicago Manual (16th edition) style and the text should be left justified with standard left margin.
  • Footnotes should be used in referencing.
  • Please avoid hyphenation throughout the manuscript.

The final document should be submitted only in MS Word for windows. PDF or any other version will not acceptable.

Please find detailed guidelines please here


Authors must check the final version of their manuscripts against the checklist before submitting.

  1. Reviewed the paper submission guidelines, and my paper conforms to them
  2. Research paper depicts clarity of expression and information cited is found authentic according to best of my knowledge.
  3. Checked that title, abstract and conclusions accurately reflect the content of my paper.
  4. Explained all technical or scientific terms / Abbreviations unique to the topic of my research
  5. Paper includes suitable citations and references for tables and graphs.
  6. Verified the sources listed in the paper and are properly cited as per the guidelines
  7. Spell-checked and read my paper thoroughly, resolving all grammatical and other writing errors
  8. Attached profile with a valid corresponding address. Information of the co-author/authors have also been included on the same pattern.

There is no fee for publishing in Polaris – Journal for Maritime Research.
The journal is supported by the centralized funds of Bahria University.