DG’s Message

Vice Admiral (Retd) Ahmed Saeed HI(M)

National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA) is functioning under Bahria University as National Think Tank on Maritime Affairs as a National body, based at Islamabad. The establishment of NIMA was conceived in order to meet the objectives of National Maritime Policy.

NIMA is envisioned to be an Internationally Acclaimed Institute contributing significantly to Pakistan’s Maritime Affairs.  It serves as a Think-Tank and also works as a facilitator for all the stakeholders of Maritime Sector. The mandate of NIMA includes multi-disciplinary study and analysis of Maritime Affairs. NIMA is working as a National Think Tank acting as a repository of maritime information with major focus on; applied research for comprehensive solutions to Pakistan’s maritime issues, taking maritime education initiatives, conserving the history and culture, advocating best maritime practices, raising awareness & capacity building, and publishing research of highest international standards/ level.

The significance of maritime domain in the economic development of the country and the potential of our maritime sector are not well understood in Pakistan. NIMA endeavors continuously to create awareness through seminars, conferences, workshops, writing research papers & other maritime related activities required to face challenges of 21st century for Pakistan.

NIMA, has come a long way in maritime domain and has contributed significantly in its first two years since inception. National Centre for Maritime Policy Research (NCMPR) Karachi as its constituent unit, Pakistan Maritime Museum and Pakistan Navy History Cell under NIMA are destined to contribute positively in jump start of Pakistan Maritime Sector and is striving to address Pakistan’s economic vulnerability through dedicated efforts to improve Blue Economy.

We feel privileged to serve this very vital national cause. As we work together, the opportunities in the maritime sector will continue to grow. The hard-earned status of this Institute will be sustained through our dedicated research faculty, officers and honorary fellows who have generously supported our cause and objectives.