Mind & Metal Workshop
Category: Past Events October 4, 2016

Guest speaker session was organized by M.Phil-2 Students which was given by Faisal Akram Gill, Topic Name: Mind & Metal: A form of sound therapy. Mr. Faisal teaches a course on sound and hearing at Ziauddin College of speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, and provides sound therapy at the Ziauddin clinics to clients of all age groups, with conditions ranging from language delays to behavioral and cognitive deficits. He often delivers talks at seminars in educational facilities on topics pertaining to sound, healing and medicine. At present, Faisal Gill is exploring deeper into the field of psychoacoustics, and is interested in determining hoe sound effects the human psyche and healing process. He is also affiliated with children’s academy of performing arts.

This workshop was attended by students of M. Phil and BS Psychology.

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