Mental Health Day at BUIC
Category: Past Events October 11, 2017

Mental Health Day at BUIC

Department of Professional Psychology at Bahria University Islamabad celebrated World Mental Health Day” at university premises with series of activities including Panel discussions, Guest Speakers, Mental Health awareness Walk, Theater play and counselling. The speakers of the session were, Dr. Ammar Siddiqui, CDA, Dr. Tahir Khaleel, International Islamic University Islamabad and Dr. Abdul Rashid, Foundation University. While talking to students, speakers emphasized on mental health awareness with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. The event provided an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. Dedicated Stalls were organized, where students were provided with the information regarding mental disorders, their assessment, treatment and prevention. Play cards and banners carrying slogans to create awareness among people about stress and depression and to love those who are suffering from various types of mental disorders were also displayed at campus. In closing session Rear Admiral (R) Shahid Saeed HI (M) Pro-Rector Bahria University highlighted that psychological problems are rising in our society and there is need to train our students to improve the mental and physical health of individuals. Bahria University always provides opportunities and learning platform to widen the horizon and credibility of their functionality. Students and Psychology department of other universities also actively participated in the event.