M Phil & PhD


Department of Management Sciences draws its strength from the experience, expertise and energy of Bahria University. The Department offers a wide range of business degrees programs at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels including Ph.D and M.Phil programs. Research activities at the Department of Management Sciences are in line with the overall mission of the university. It is central to the Department’s philosophy that research should be of an applied and pure in nature and should lead to overall improvement of teaching and management practices.



The objective of Ph.D and M.Phil programs is to develop outstanding professionals and academicians for the industry and the academic world. The goal of Master and Doctoral level research at the Department of Management Sciences is to contribute to the existing body of knowledge. This objective can be achieved when an M.Phil and Ph.D candidate unveils new knowledge either by the discovery of new facts, or by the formulation of theories or by the innovation re-interpretation of known data and established ideas.


The M.Phil and Ph.D programs comprise of coursework and supervised research thesis. This program is meant for graduates seeking to extend and deepen their knowledge by undertaking research investigation under the supervision of faculty members of the Department of Management Sciences. The M.Phil and Ph.D programs’ curriculum enables candidates to master the concepts and skills of research directly relevant to solving business management problems. A successful M.Phil and Ph.D graduate is one who can bring ideas from his/her research findings, to bear on important business problems within the context of his/her individual workplace.


The M.Phil and Ph.D coursework components are conducted in small classes led by highly qualified faculty members of the Department. The coursework environment for scholars is stimulating and challenging that requires substantial commitment.





The M.Phil and Ph.D coursework will introduce the scholars to a range of theories and methodologies used in researching all types of management science topics. The coursework component of M.Phil program consists of eight (8) subjects stretching over three (3) semesters. The coursework component of Ph.D program consists of six (6) subjects stretching over two (2) semesters. The coursework contents progress from the broader aspect of management research, to the specific skills required to conduct and deliver a compelling research design and literature review. For each coursework subject, students will be required to attend forty five (45) hours of class work in addition to completing a substantial amount of private research for preparation of class assignments and examinations. To enable progression to the thesis, students must have to maintain consistently high levels of achievements throughout the coursework.



As per HEC rules the thesis is scheduled for the 2nd year of M.Phil program and 2nd and 3rd year of the Ph.D. Thesis supervision is conducted individually and the student guidance takes place in the form of supervisory meetings. The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate that the candidate has made a distinctive and original contribution to the improvement of theories/professional practices, or policy or strategy in the field of management sciences. The completed thesis will be presented for examination and successfully defended according to the university requirements. The dissertation of each program comprises a comprehensive thesis-style research project undertaken by each student on an individual basis. To facilitate the thesis process, students will be allocated a principal supervisor, and one or more associate supervisors, with expertise in their nominated discipline. After the completion of required coursework, students will prepare and defend a thesis proposal. If accepted, students will work on thesis in close consultation with their principal supervisor.



    • M.Phil Program

The M.Phil program may be completed within a minimum period of two (2) years and maximum period of three (3) years in special circumstances.


    • Ph.D Program

The Ph.D program may be completed within a minimum period of three (3) years and maximum period of six (6) years including one (1) year coursework.