BIC-BUKC was successfully conducted online guest speaker session on “Role of Entrepreneurship”
Category: News Archive, Past Events May 31, 2021
Engr. Syed Rizwan Ali, Assistant Professor / Manager Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC-BUKC) successfully conducted online guest speaker session on “Role of Entrepreneurship”. This session was conducted on Computer Engineering Department 8 semester students at Entrepreneurship class and Engr. Dr. Rizwan Iqbal was the was instructor of this class. This session was held online on 31 May 2021.
Special thanks to Engr. Dr. Shoiab Mughal, HoD CE, Department of Bahria University Karachi Campus for his support.
Agenda discussed in the Session.
•  How do you define Entrepreneurship ?
•  Some Entrepreneurship wrong Myths.
•  Why is this Needed?
•  What is Role of Individual Entrepreneurs in the Economy Growth of Pakistan ?
•  What is Role of Entrepreneurship as collective in the Economy Growth of Pakistan?
•  Different Roles of Entrepreneurs.
•  How do you Teach/ Learn Entrepreneurship in the Class Room?
•  Entrepreneurship Challenges.
•  And Concluding Thoughts .