BIC-BUKC representation at Internationally Worldwide on Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN)
Category: Past Events May 23, 2021
It is immuring pleasure to share the information that Engr. Syed Rizwan Ali, Assistant Professor / Manager Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC-BUKC) has been become a Member and Speaker Internationally Worldwide on Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN).

The Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN)  operates a platform of projects and programs in 170 countries aimed at making it easier for anyone, anywhere to start and scale a business.

By fostering deeper cross border collaboration and initiatives between entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurial support organizations, GEN works to fuel healthier start and scale ecosystems that create more jobs, educate individuals, accelerate innovation and strengthen economic growth. GEN’s extensive footprint of national operations and global verticals in policy, research and programs ensures members have uncommon access to the most relevant knowledge, networks, communities and programs relative to size of economy, maturity of ecosystem, language, culture, geography and more.

GEN helps celebrate, understand, support and connect entrepreneurs and those who champion them.