P2GS (Pakistan to Germany Study) is organizing an Academic Trip to 6 Cities in Turkey to track the history of Rising of the Ottoman Empire. BU Students, Faculty and their families can equally register for the trip. The trip to Turkey is for 7 and 9 days. During the visit, the participants will visit the Turkish cities of Konya, Cappadocia, Antalya, Söğüt, Busra, and Istanbul. The schedule and relevant details are as below:
- First Camp : 18 June to 26 June
- Second Camp : 16 July to 24 July
Cost of Academic Camp:
- 9 Days Camp: Rs. 185,000 for Camp, 30,000 Visa and Registration Fee.
Air Ticket: Actual (Approximately 150,000 from Islamabad and 120,000 from Karachi)
- 7 Days Camp: Rs. 145,000 for Camp, (Rest Visa Fee and Air Ticket is as above)
Deadline for Registration: 30th April by paying Visa & Registration Fee as visa stamping process requires 6-8 weeks. Visa Documents along with a passport valid for one year, will be received by 9th May and deposited for visa stamping by 12th May 2022. To register and know more please visit https://p2gstudy.com/join-turkey-camp/