Registrations for Youth4Climate Pakistan Competition are open till the 1st of May 2022
Category: News Archive, Past Events
April 21, 2022
Calling Out All University Students – Register Now for Youth4Climate Pakistan Competition
? Young leaders for climate action, here’s your chance to help Pakistan go green!
⏳ Registrations for Youth4Climate Pakistan Competition are open till the 1st of May 2022!
The world has entered its decade of action for sustainable development and there is a global urgency to find climate change solutions that can save our lives and the future. Pakistan, being one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, is seeking out mitigation and adaptation solutions that build our resilience. To turn our country’s climate commitments into reality, youth is our biggest hope with a remarkable ambition to go green.Recognizing this, we are inviting all university students to participate in the Youth4Climate Pakistan Competition. All you have to do is to brainstorm and submit your unique ideas that mitigate our carbon footprint or help us adapt to a changing climate. Shortlisted ideas will be showcased on a national level with many other exciting opportunities awaiting you. ?Don’t wait any further! Register now by filling out the application form.
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