Shell Tameer “Virtual Training Bootcamp21” Pitching for Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC-BUKC) Startups
It is immersed pleasure to share that Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC- BUKC) was organized in collaboration with Shell Tameer and Shell Livewire Final Pitching for Shell Tameer “Virtual Training Bootcamp21”. In this competition BIC-BUKC Startup 8 teams were participated, and three startups’ teams (Dimen Draw, Taum Khas, & Moving Food) won the competition so now Shell will fund them and also bear full expenses of legalities (Company Registration/Trademark/IP Copywrites/& Patent). The Final Pitching of Tameer Virtual Bootcamp 21 was held on 3rd June 2021.
AllhumdulilALLAH these three teams will soon be going to represents Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC- BUKC) at Internationally Shell Global Innovation Prize.
Glimpse of the Event: