Category: Tender November 10, 2018

Maritime Awareness Campaign Plan – IDEAS 2018

  1. The Bahria University Karachi Campus invites sealed bids from firm, the original manufactures/their authorized distributors/suppliers in Pakistan registered with Income Tax & Sales Tax Dept. and active Taxpayer list for following items to Karachi Campus.
a. Fabrication of Stall (3×4.6 Meters)
b. Fabrication of Gift Items
  1. Interested eligible bidders may purchase a complete set of bidding documents along with detailed terms and condition & specification of required items form the Procurement Department. Address: 13 National Stadium Road (Tel : 021-111-111-028 Ext: 209) on submission of written application on company letter head supported by copy of NTN & GST certificates against payment or non- refundable fee (in shape of cash) Pay Order / Demand Draft/ Call Deposit of Rs: 1,000/- (One Thousand Rupees Only) till 22-Nov-2018
  2. Single stage one envelope methodology shall apply. Sealed bids supported earnest money @3% of the total bid value in the shape of Pay Order/Demand Draft/Call deposit in favor of  Bahria University Karachi should reach at Procurement Department on/or before dated 22-Nov-2018 till 10:30am. Bids will be opened on the same date at 11:00am in the presence of the bidders/their authorized representative, Conditional/incomplete bids will not be considered. Bids received late from closing date and time will not be entertained.
  3. The bidders are requested to give their best and final prices inclusive of all taxes and transportations cost etc.
  4. The Bahria University may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal by invoking Rule 33 or PPRA-2004.
  5. Further information for any query of technical clarification, if any may be contact on phone numbers 021-111-111-028 Ext: 209 or visit at office during working hours.