Our Vision:
Department aims to be recognized as a leader in software engineering education and research through excellence in education and targeted research themes in emerging areas of software engineering discipline.
Mission for BS Program:
The mission of Software Engineering program is to prepare technically strong engineering students who can contribute effectively towards the nation, society and the world at large through innovation, research, entrepreneurship, leadership and a healthy life-long learning attitude. This can be evidenced by their career satisfaction, promotions/raises, and leadership at levels appropriate to their experience and success in their post-undergraduate studies as evidenced by satisfaction with the decision to further their education, advanced degrees earned, and professional visibility.
Mission for MS Programs:
- To create an environment that promotes qualities of leadership professionalism, critical thinking, and cultural sensitivity.
- To enable students to combine highest ethical standards with a pragmatic approach to research and practice relevant to the Pakistani society.
- To introduce programs that facilitate individuals and communities to utilize and maximize their unique potential towards enriched and empowered lives.
Mission for PhD Program:
The mission of the Ph.D. program of the Bahria University Islamabad is to educate students to do innovative, rigorous scientific research on topics in public policy and management or in information systems management.
Students in the Ph.D. program should be able to:
- Integrate coursework in basic methods relevant to research in public policy and management or in information systems management.
- Investigate a variety of methods and topics in public policy and management and in information systems management.
- Defend an independently conceived and executed research project, through the dissertation.
We achieve this mission through:
- Training through coursework
- Close relationships with faculty advisers
- An academic community that values rigorous scholarship, promotes creative thought and supports a variety of research approaches and applications.