Schedule for Online Midterm examination of spring 2021 Semester:
17th to 30th May 2021
Instructions – Midterm Exam Spring 2021
Dear Students,
Keeping in view the recent increasing trend in Covid – 19 Cases BUIC has decided to conduct Online Exam for midterm spring 2021 semester. Please find the under mentioned instructions for information and strict compliance during online exam.
1 – Online exams will be conducted on BU LMS and Licensed MS Teams only. Therefore , it is compulsory for the students to login through their official MS Teams accounts for online exam. In light of the above, all students are intimated to ensure their login credentials for MS teams.
2- All students are hereby intimated to ensure good internet accessibility in their vicinity as limited time will be given to the students to return their midterm exam submissions.
3- Students to ensure camera and MIC connectivity during the allocated time of exam because invigilator’s will be assigned to each class during the exam who will ensure and verify students surrounding and student ID before and during the exam.
4- Answer Books are to be submitted on LMS within allocated time. No student will be allowed to submit after allocated time with any reason what so ever.
5-Proper attire to be followed during the exam.
Good Luck.