Financial Assistance Scholarship shall be offered to the needy and financially weak students in order to partially or fully support them. New intake after becoming bonafide students and already enrolled students can apply subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
The scholarship once granted in this category remains available to the students for the entire degree program provided their performance shall not fall below GPA/CGPA 2.50.
Eligibility Criteria for Award of Financial Assistance Scholarships;
Following shall be the eligibility criteria to apply for Financial Assistance Scholarship Program:
- Financial Assistance Scholarship shall mainly focus on to support students from low income background.
- Students of all programs are eligible for Financial Assistance Scholarship subject to the condition he/she finds financial constraints to cope with educational expenses.
- For fresh intake, results of their Matric, FA/FSc, O & A levels or equivalent be considered for award of scholarship
- For the students enrolled in 2nd semester onwards shall be eligible to apply if he/she has a minimum 2.50 GPA/CGPA in the previous semester and for continuation at least 2.50 GPA/CGPA has to be maintained in the subsequent semesters. If the students fail to maintain 2.50 GPA/CGPA in the previous semester, then their scholarship shall be withheld till the time he/she improves academic grades to 2.50 GPA/CGPA.
- Students with any physical disability shall be preferred
- Students belonging to less developed areas (as identified by GoP) shall be preferred if fall under FAS eligibility criteria.
- Students mentioning income and expenditure details has to justify with supporting documents.