From a historical perspective, activities at sea can be characterised by coastal trade, transoceanic passages, piracy, subjugation, profiteering and colonisation, a subsidiary objective being the gaining of ascendency on land. The maritime field has over time undergone a drastic transformation, both on the military and non-military fronts. Amongst a horde of other activities, sea connectivity and trade take pride of place as drivers of the global economy. The International Maritime Organisation, which cobbled together the UN Convention on Law of the Sea in 1982, assists in the crafting of much-needed maritime conventions to fulfil the vital need of establishing universally acceptable standards for maritime safety, security and environmental protection.
Present day maritime activities and processes now fall under the all-enveloping term ‘Maritime Domain’, and thus ‘Maritime Domain Awareness’ becomes a prerequisite for the materialisation of maritime aspirations. Pakistan is admittedly a coastal state but before it can even dream of becoming a maritime power, it has to shed off its historical baggage and stand prepared to overhaul its manner of doing business by creating an autonomous, effective and efficient administration. A dedicated and fully functional maritime administration is the key to looking after a state’s maritime interests, inclusive of the international obligations required of a flag state, as well as the judicial exercise of Port State Control.
Being a signatory to more than two dozen odd international maritime conventions, Pakistan can only satisfactorily meet its national and international obligations if it is professionally geared to do so, which it obviously isn’t, as the near absence of any domestic maritime legislation (a prerequisite for most follow-up actions) shows.
The subject matter of the book, i.e. intricacies of the maritime domain, is introduced in sufficient detail in the first chapter, from all perspectives, be it history, geography, commerce, economics, security or matters of governance.
A deep understanding of the domain is however essential if one is to successfully negotiate its rapids. The best place to start is through a study of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which is informally referred to as a Constitution for the Oceans. This Convention is elaborated upon through other international maritime conventions, the major ones, those instrumental in the creation of a safe, environmentally sound and conducive working environment, have been covered in Chapter 3. The next four chapters deal with other vital aspects of a general nature. Chapter 4 deals with the evolution of trans-oceanic trade as well as the opportunities and challenges stemming therefrom. The trade revolution sparked by a humble invention like the now ubiquitous container forms the subject of Chapter 5. The callousness with which we treat a vital resource like the open oceans is covered in Chapter 6. The next chapter talks about the lesser known dark side of life at sea. The next six chapters are Pakistan-specific: Pakistan’s quest for a Blue Economy; Pakistan’s coastal pollution dilemma; Pakistan’s forays into the shipping sector; Pakistan’s standing in the multi-billion dollar global shipbuilding industry; Gadani’s ship recycling industry; and finally, the no less vital aspect of maritime security.
In a domain constantly in flux, stagnancy is not an option. Changes within have to be brought about, administratively, operationally and functionally, to cater to the changes without. This forms the crux of the problem standing in the way of the country transitioning from a coastal state to a responsible coastal state to a successful maritime power. This book has been designed to generate awareness about the intricacies of the maritime domain, a deep understanding of which is essential to the formulation and execution of a clear-headed policy.
Chapter 1: Intricacies Of The Maritime Domain 4
Chapter 2: A Constitution For The Oceans 35
Chapter 3: Major International Maritime Conventions 58
Chapter 4: Trans-Oceanic Trade – Evolution, Opportunities
And Challenges 79
Chapter 5: The Containerised Trade Revolution 97
Chapter 6: SOS From The Oceans 104
Chapter 7: The Seedy Side Of The Sea 112
Chapter 8: Pakistan’s Quest For A Blue Economy 121
Chapter 9: Pakistan’s Coastal Pollution Dilemma 143
Chapter 10: Pakistan’s Shipping Ventures 157
Chapter 11: The Global Ship-Building Industry And
Pakistan’s Prospects 168
Chapter 12: Gadani’s Ship-Recycling Industry 183
Chapter 13: Maritime Security- Challenges And Response 192