BU Digital Library Search

HEC Digital Search

General Rules
  • The Library shall remain open according to timings notified from time to time.
    Silence should be observed in the library.
  • Mobiles /iPods /Laptops should be kept on silent mode. Sleeping, Listening/ watching drama and music etc while staying at library is prohibited.
  • Leave your personal belongings such as handbags, briefcases, etc., outside the library entrance.
  • Seats in the library cannot be reserved.
  • Eating, drinking and smoking etc are not permitted within library premises.
  • Library staff can ask anyone causing disturbance or not properly dressed e.g. wearing sleeveless T-shirts, singlet and shorts etc. to leave the library.

All persons at Bahria University including (faculty/students/staff and administration) are eligible to borrow materials from the library. Borrowing privileges may differ depending on the membership category. The borrowing privileges are as under

Membership Category Borrowing Limit Duration Fine Per Day
Administration 05 90 —-
Faculty (P) 10 30 —-
Staff 02 15 10/-
Student 03 15 10/-
M.Phill 05 15 10/-
PhD 10 15 10/-