FACULTY PROFILE – Dr. Sohaib Ahmed
Category: September 12, 2018
Name Dr Sohaib Ahmed
Email sohaib.bukc@bahria.edu.pk
Phone 111-111-028 ext. 424
Research Areas Technology Enhanced Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Ontology Engineering, Agile Software Development
Number of Publications 31
Designation Senior Associate Professor
Department Department of Software Engineering
University Bahria University Karachi Campus


PhD 2013 Information Technology Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Postgraduate Diploma 2009 Information Sciences Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
BS (CE) 2004 Computer Engineering Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
Senior Associate Professor July, 2019 Current Bahria University Karachi
Associate Professor July, 2017 June, 2019 Bahria University Karachi
Senior Assistant Professor July, 2015 June, 2017 Bahria University Karachi
Assistant Professor Aug, 2013 June, 2015 Bahria University Karachi



  1. Rehman, O., Al-Busaidi, A., Ahmed, S., & Ahsan, K. (2022). Ubiquitous healthcare system: Architecture, prototype design and experimental evaluations. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems.
  2. Ahmad, A., Zeeshan, F., Marriam, R., Samreen, A., Ahmed, S. (2021).Does one size fit all? Investigating the effect of group size and gamification on learners’ behavior in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education (Impact Factor: 2.271).
  3. Samreen, A., Ahmad, A., Zeeshan, F., Ahmad, F. & Ahmed, S. (2020). A Collaborative Method for Protecting Teens against Online Predators over Social Networks: A Behavioral Analysis. IEEE Access (Impact Factor: 3.754).
  4. Hamdi, M., Zeshan, F., Ahmad, A., Munawar, S., Aimeur, A., Ahmed, S., Elsoud, M.A., & Yousif, M. (2019). An Intelligent Decision Support System For Effective Handling of IT Projects. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 38(3), 2635-2647, IOS Press (Impact Factor:  1.637).
  5. Emaduddin, S.M., Ahsan, K., Khan, Y., Ahmed, S., Ullah, R., Rizwan, K., & Shafiq, F. (2019). Depression detection using Naive Bayes: Text based approach. Interciencia Journal,44(11),172-183 (Impact Factor: 0.28).
  6. Ali, A., Ahsan, K., Irshad, S., Sanaullah, Iqbal, S., Ahmed, S. & Rehman, O. (2019). Mobile controlled UAVs for audio delivery service and payload tracking solution. IEEE Access, 7, 149672-149697 (Impact Factor: 4.098)
  7. Ahmed, S., Javaid, S., Niazi, M. F., Alam, A., Ahmad, A., Baig, MA, Khan, HK, & Ahmed, T. (2019). A qualitative analysis of context-aware ubiquitous learning environments using bluetooth beacons. Technology, Pedagogy, Education, 28(1), 53-71.Taylor & Francis (Impact Factor: 1.580).
  8. Bibi, A., Rehman, O., & Ahmed, S. (2018). An Ontology Based Approach For Messages Dissemination in Vehicular AdHoc Networks. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems 18(16): e2.
  9. Iqbal, S., Ahsan, K., Hussain, M.A., Nadeem, A., Saeed, M., & Ahmed, S. (2018). Managing Disorientation of Time and Place in Dementia Patients Using Bluetooth Sensors: Identification of Failure Modes on ESC through RCM. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A Physical and Computational Science, 55(2): 41-53.
  10. Tabassum, H. & Ahmed, S. (2017). An ontology-based approach for analyzing emotions in software developers’ mailing lists. Bahria University Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 10(2), 1-7.
  11. Ahmed, S., & Parsons, D. (2013). Mobile abductive science inquiry: Evaluating ‘ThinknLearn’ with high school students. Computers & Education, 63, 62-72 (Impact Factor: 4.538)
  12. Ahmed, S., Parsons, D., & Mentis, M. (2012). Scaffolding in mobile science enquiry-based learning using ontologies. ICST Transactions on e-Education and e-Learning Journal, 12 (7-9), 1-17


  1. Ahmed, S., & Parsons, D. (2013). Abductive science inquiry using technology-enhanced learning. In J. Jovanovic, & R. Chiong (Eds.), Technological and Social Enviornments for Interactive Learning. Santa Rosa, California: Information Science Press
  2. Ahmed, S., Parsons, D., & Ryu, H. (2010). Beyond learning objects – Dynamic adaptation in learning scenarios for lifelong learners. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, 12(1), January 2010, 49-51


  1. Jamil, S., Qureshi, R., Ahmed, S. (2020). Analyzing effects of resource distribution on performance of fog infrastructure. Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Technologies, Online, 6-8 October, 2020. IEEE.
  2. Bashir, F., Ahmed, S., Marouf, M. (2020).  An exploratory study of students’ learning performance in flipped classroom using detection tree and regression. 3rd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET), 29th – 30th January, 2020, IBA Sukkur, Pakistan.
  3. Ahmed, S., Umer, M., Nasir, B., Khan, M.J., & Ali, S.S. (2017). MAPILS: Mobile augmented reality plant inquiry learning system. In Proceedings of IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON’17), 25-28 April, Athens, Greece, 1443-1449.
  4. Khan, A., Sadia, A., Ahmed, S., Tabassum, H., & Khan, M.S. (2017). HEPO: The Hepatitis ontology for abductive medical diagnostic systems. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital Systems (CCODE’17), 8-9 March, Islamabad, Pakistan 271-275.
  5. Tabassum, H. & Ahmed, S. (2016). EmotiOn: An ontology for emotion analysis.  In Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Computing & Technology (NACTICT’16), 15-16 March, Karachi, Pakistan.
  6. Javaid, S. & Ahmed, S. (2016). A digital story telling framework for inquiry based learning activities.  In Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Computing & Technology (NACTICT’16), 15-16 March, Karachi, Pakistan.
  7. Ahmed, S. (2014). A proposed evaluation framework from mobile inquiry-based learning activities in science education. Communications in Computer and Information Science: Mobile as mainstream – Towards Future Challenges in Mobile Learning, 479,123-130. Springer International Publishing
  8. Ahmed, S., & Parsons, D. (2014). A Comparative analysis in evaluating ‘ThinknLearn’ from science educators and high school students perspectives. Communications in Computer and Information Science: Mobile as mainstream – Towards Future Challenges in Mobile Learning, 479, 228-237. Springer International Publishing
  9. Hafeez, A.H., Mohiuddin, K., & Ahmed, S. (2014). Speaker-dependent live Quranic verses recitation recognition system using Sphinx-4 framework. IEEE 17th International Multi Topic Conference (INMIC 2014). 8-10 December, Karachi, Pakistan
  10. Ahmed, S., & Parsons, D. (Best paper award) (2012). Evaluating ‘ThinknLearn’: A mobile science inquiry-based learning application in practice. 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (MLearn 2012) (pp. 17-24). 16-18 October, 2012.Helsinki,Finland
  11. Ahmed, S., Parsons, D., & Mentis, M. (2012). An ontology supported abductive mobile enquiry based learning application. In proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2012) (pp. 64-68). 4-6 July, 2012.Rome, Italy
  12. Ahmed, S., & Parsons, D. (2011). ThinknLearn: An ontology-driven mobile web application for science enquiry based learning. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Application (ICITA 2011) (pp. 255-260). 21-24 November, 2011. Sydney, Australia: IEEE Computer Chapter NSW
  13. Ahmed, S., & Parsons, D. (2011). COMET: Context Ontology for Mobile Education. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, & A. Mitrovic (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011) (Vols.LNAI 6738, pp.414-416). Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg
  14. Ahmed, S., & Parsons, D. (2011). An Ontology-Driven Mobile Web Application For Generating Scientific Hypotheses. 7th Annual IIMS Postgraduate Conference held at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand on 26th October, 2011.
  15. Ahmed, S., Parsons, D., & Ryu, H. (2011). Ontology-based Mobile Learning Content Adaptability. 9th New Zealand Computer Science Research Student Conference (NZCSRSC) held at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand from 18-21 April, 2011.
  16. Ahmed, S., Parsons, D., & Ryu, H. (2010). Supporting adaptive learning interactions with ontologies. In Proceedings of 11th Annual ACM SIGCHI NZ Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHINZ 2010) (pp. 17-24). 8 July, 2010. Auckland, New Zealand
  17. Ahmed, S., Parsons, D., & Ryu, H. (2009). Adaptive Learning Environments: An ontology-based approach for lifelong work-based learning management systems. 6th Annual IIMS Postgraduate Conference held at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand on 21st October, 2009.


  1. AR Game: Armageddon: Glimpses of the Unseen (funded by PEC – worth Rs 0.1 million)
  2. Design and Development of High-Speed 3D-Optical Scanner Based on Machine Vision for Parts Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan (funded by NRPU, HEC – worth Rs 8.8 million)
  3. An Arduino Based Glove for Sign Language Urdu Interpretation (funded by IGNITE– worth Rs 0.07 million)
  4. M-Tourism: An Interactive Touring and Learning Application for City Exploration (funded by National ICT R&D– worth Rs 0.07 million)
  5. Mobile Learning Ontologies: Supporting Abductive Inquiry-Based Learning in the Sciences (MS leading to PhD scholarship, funded by HEC– worth Rs 20 million)


List of courses Taught

Postgraduate Courses

  1. Agile Software Development Methods
  2. Research Methodology
  3. Ontology Engineering
  4. Semantic Web
  5. Advanced Software System Architecture
  6. Advanced Theory of Computation
  7. Advanced Computer Architecture


Undergraduate Courses

  1. Usability Engineering
  2. Agile Development
  3. Design & Analysis of Algorithms
  4. Introduction to Software Engineering
  5. Software Design & Architecture
  6. Advanced Database Management Systems
  7. Knowledge Based Management Systems
  8. Management Information Systems
  9. Web Engineering
  10. Human Computer Interaction
  11. Numerical Analysis


International Collaborations

  1. Dr David Parsons, National Postgraduate Director, The Mind Lab by Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand
  2. Dr Faizan Ahmad, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff School of Technologies, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, UK
  3. Dr Stavros Nikou, Senior Lecturer Education, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK


Local Collaborations

  1. Dr Adnan Ahmad, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, COMSAT Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Lahore
  2. Dr Kamran Ahsan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, FUUAST, Karachi, Pakistan



PhD Scholars

  1. Bushra Fazal (PhD SE, in progress), An agile approach for inquiry-based learning in ubiquitous environment


MS Students

  1. Ramsha Mashood (MSSE, 2021), Data anomaly detection in maritime traffic management using deep learning
  2. Tauseef Akbar (MSSE, 2020), IoT enabled grocery shopping recommendation system using machine learning approach
  3. Sara Jamil (MSSE, 2020), Analyzing effects of resource distribution on performance of fog infrastructure
  4. Sameed Qureshi (MSSE, 2020), A deep neural network for intelligent competent based learning path prediction in HR System
  5. Summaya Abid (MSSE, 2020), An ontological model for software-defined embedded system
  6. Syed Ahmed Hassan Bukhari (MSSE, 2019), An intelligent inquiry-based learning environment using ontology-driven approach
  7. Ali Akhtar (MSSE, 2018), A statistical based continuous Urdu speech recognition system using CMU Sphinx-4
  8. Muhammad Zeeshan (MSCS, 2018), An ontological approach for context-aware game-based learning for museum exhibits using iBeacons
  9. Fatima Bashir (MSCS, 2017), A student performance evaluation of flipped classroom learning using decision tree
  10. Sameena Javaid (MSCS, 2015), A context-aware mobile creative learning using digital storytelling approach
  11. Huma Tabassum (MSCS, 2015), An ontological approach to emotion analysis in software team discussion forums