Month: October 2021

DOR: Fighting Mental Health: Self-Love

The session entitled “DOR: Fighting Mental Health: Self-Love” was held on 22nd October 2021 by Mentors from Department of Humanities and Social Sciences for the students of FAll-2021 enrolled in the department. This session was organized in collaboration with HEAL Aid Foundation, Awareness department. The invited Guests shared their life-experiences and different interactive activities to understand the purpose … Continue reading DOR: Fighting Mental Health: Self-Love

Conference Paper Presentation by BS-English Student, Hijab Haider.

Hijab Haider, student of BS-English, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, presented her thesis paper in 2nd International Virtual Conference on English Language and Literature organized by Jinnah University for Women on October 11th, 2021. The paper is entitled “Feminist Study of Sadia Abbas’s The Empty Room Through Barthes’ Cultural and Symbolic Code”.  Recorded Link:  (4:38 onwards) Growing progress of the young learners in the domain of research, is indeed a proud moment for … Continue reading Conference Paper Presentation by BS-English Student, Hijab Haider.