Category: February 8, 2019

ROBORUMBLE:                                                                       Dated: 31-11-2018

IEEE – DUET Student Branch and BITS-Bahria Innovative technological society conducted a workshop on HARDWARE , ASSEMBLY AND SOFTWAREof ROBORUMBLE theme  for the students ofBAHRIA UNIVERSITY who wants to participate in DURC’18 (Dawood University Robotics Contest 2018), and Electria’18(Bahria University Robotic contest) .

Workshop was conducted by SHAHARYAR ALI ( IEEE CHAIR) along with 3 other IEEE Members.

Following Areas ofthis Robotic Theme were covered in the Workshop:

·         Basic Introduction

·         Step by step chassis design

·         Selection of Motors / Wheels

·         Sensors (IR, Ultrasonic etc.

·         Power Circuit Board

  • Basic Introduction of Arduino IDE
  • Sensor Programming (IR, Ultrasonic)
  • Actuator Programming
  • Logic Building


  • The purpose of conducting a workshop on Robo Rumble is to familiar the students with Hardware, Assemblyand Software of RoboRumble theme of Robotics.
  • In this Workshop students were able to learn about chassis designing of Robo Rumble which is a difficult task. They also learned about the programming andlogics building of robots.
  • As increasing of the machines in Industries, the future globe is expected to be controlled by the machine so one has to be familiar with basic concepts of robotic world.