The Power Transmission and Distribution Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineering is the state-of-art laboratory located at Bahria University Karachi Campus. The objective of this laboratory is to give students knowledge and understanding of power transmission and distribution issues through hands-on experiments with real network equipment. The sequence of labs starts at the Electrical Safety and Power Distribution Trainer, Three Phase Transformer No-Load Performances, Short Circuit Performances. Then proceeds Transformer Zero Impedance and Asymmetrical Load Behavior, No Load Performances of An Overhead Transmission Line, Three Phase Short Circuit Test of a Medium Transmission Line, Series Connection of Two Lines, Earth fault Analysis in Isolated Neutral Point System in Transmission Line and Earth fault Analysis in Isolated Neutral Point System in Transmission Line.
The main goals of Power Transmission and Distribution lab at Bahria University are:
- Three-winding transformers, Transformers with variable transformation ratio
- Transformers in economy connection (auto-transformers)
- Asymmetrical loading of transformers
- Power Transmission, No-load operation, Matched load
- Isolated neutral point system, Asymmetrical short-circuits