Lab – Physics
August 3, 2017
Applied physics is being taught as the compulsory and basic subject for the student of Engineering and applied sciences during their undergraduate study. Physics lab at Bahria University provides foundational education in areas of Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Electrostatics, Electricity and solid state physics. The lab conducts the practical of various departments i.e. Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Science & Geo Physics.
The main goals of physics lab at Bahria University are:
- Preparing an institutional and national platform for student-driven experimental research in physics.
- Indigenous development of experiments for the laboratory and demonstrations for the classroom environment.
- Training Engineering students in world class experimental physics through required and optional lab courses.
- Sharing expertise, resources and training in physics education with sister institutions and organizations in the country and the region.
Courses offered in Physics Lab:
- EEL-102 Applied Physics