Engr. Dr. Taimoor Zafar
Category: August 19, 2016
Name Taimoor Zafar Taimoor Zafar
Email taimoorzafar.bukc@bahria.edu.pk
Phone +92-9240002 Ext – 306
Research Area Integrated system health monitoring and prognostics, inverse problems, multisensory data fusion, Nondestructive testing, Prognosis, and Diagnosis of Electrical Infrastructures, Reliability Analysis, material characterization, and Sequential Monte Carlo Techniques
Number of Publications ( 09 )                                                           View Google Scholar Link Click Here
Designation Sr. Assistant Professor
Department Electrical Engineering
University Bahria University Karachi Campus
Ph.D. (Electrical) 2022 Electrical Bahria University
MS (Industrial Control & Automation) 2011 Control Hamdard University
Bachelors of Electronics Engineering 2009 Industrial Electronics Hamdard University
Assistant Professor 2011-09-01 Present Bahria University
1 Hassan, Moez Ul, Tariq Khan, Taimoor Zafar, Waleed Bin Yousuf, and Aqueel Shah. “Degradation prognostics of aerial bundled cables based on multi-sensor data fusion.” Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (2024): 1-19. (SCI-indexed impact factor 2.6) (HEC W Category).
2  Zafar, Taimoor, Tariq Khan, Anzar Alam, Waleed Bin Yousuf, Muhammad Atayyab Shahid, and Fuzail Hashmi. “Prognosis study of live aerial bundled cables in coastal areas using historical super-heterodyne ultrasonic listening data.” Electric Power Systems Research 189 (2020): 10659, (Elsevier-IF-3.211).
3 Taimoor Zafar, Tariq Mairaj Khan, Anzar Alam, Haroon Rasheed. “Hybrid Resampling Scheme for Particle Based Inversion”. IET Science Measurement & Technology (IF-1.975) .https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-smt.2018.5531
4 M. A. Shahid, T. M. Khan, T. Zafar, F. Hashmi and F. Amir, “Novel Health Diagnostics schemes analyzing corona discharge of operational Aerial Bundled Cables in coastal regions,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, (IF-4.415).
5 M. Atayyab Shahid, Tariq Mairaj Khan, Taimoor Zafar, M. Fuzail Hashmi, M. Imran. “Health diagnosis scheme for in-service low voltage Aerial Bundled Cables using super-heterodyned airborne Ultrasonic testing”. Electric Power System Research, (Elsevier-IF-3.211) .https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2019.106162
6 A. Alam and T. Zafar, “Challenges in Online Paper Surface Topography Computing while Changing the Surface Velocities,” 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communication Technology (ICISCT), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICISCT49550.2020.9080022
7 Mukesh Kumar Maheshwari, Shah Najmus Saqib Mahmood and Taimoor Zafar. “Designing of a communication system for paramedic application at 2.4 GHz”. Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies. Vol. 8, Issue 1, April 2015.
8 M.Waheed-uz-Zaman, Taimoor Zafar. “To investigate the performance of microwave communications in a strong metrological ducting environment in Pakistan southern region”. Science International. (26(4), September – October). 2014.
9 M.Waheed-uz-Zaman, M.Ayub Khan Yousuf zai and Taimoor Zafar. “Analysis of    fluctuating dynamics of water masses through oceanic environment at Pakistan southern oceanic region”. Science International. (25(2), April – June). 2013.