1. Program Mission
Electrical engineering is one of the oldest disciplines of engineering. Initially it was confined to few areas such as power generation, transmission and distribution, radio communication and wireless telephony. However, in the last half of the century it has seen tremendous growth and expansion. The diversification and expansion in some areas of electrical engineering has been of such a large magnitude that they seem to be independent disciplines in their own. However, in a large part of the world electrical engineering is still considered to be the parent discipline. This curriculum has been developed on this rationale. It facilitates the teaching of common core courses and selection of courses of a particular area depending upon the need and availability of the resources.
2.Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Professional Employment: Graduates will be able to find employment related to Electrical engineering in fields of design, development, research, operations and maintenance, technical sales and marketing. Students would also be able to explore entrepreneurship and find jobs in diverse areas like business, law, NGOs, media etc.
- Technical Competence: Graduates would be able to demonstrate technical competence in the field of electrical engineering while employed by finding solutions to complex problems, design new products, and use their analytic, engineering and problem solving skills to provide value to their industry.
- Professional Growth: Graduates would be able to pursue their professional growth by taking up higher studies for advanced degrees, learn new technologies as they emerge, develop skills in the usage of new tools, undertake professional development courses and keep themselves current in their chosen specialization.
- Social Engagement: The graduates would be able to work in multicultural teams, provide leadership in their area, and be sensitive to ethical, moral, environmental, gender and societal issues and the impact of their work on the society and the community.
3. Eligibility Criteria:
F.Sc. or equivalent with a minimum 60% marks in pre-engineering group
5. Road map for BEE (Power Systems):
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
None | GSC-110 | Calculus and Analytical Geometry | 3+0 |
None | CSC-111 | Introduction to Computing | 1+1 |
None | ENG-104 | Functional English | 2+0 |
None | ISL-101 | Islamic Studies/ Ethics | 2+0 |
None | IDEE-1 | 2+0 | |
None | GSC-113 | Applied Physics | 3+1 |
None | EEL-112 | Workshop Practice | 0+1 |
Total | 13+3 |
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
None | EEL-121 | Engineering Drawing & CAD | 0+1 |
GSC-110 (Calculus and Analytical Geometry) | GSC-210 | Differential Equations | 3+0 |
CSC-111 (Introduction to Computing) | CSC-112 | Programming Fundamentals | 2+1 |
None | EEN-110 | Linear Circuit Analysis | 3+1 |
None | CEN-120 | Digital Logic Design | 3+1 |
None | PAK-101 | Pakistan Studies | 2+0 |
Total | 13+4 |
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
None | GSC-121 | Linear Algebra | 3+0 |
EEN-110 (Linear Circuit Analysis) | EEN-210 | Basic Electronics | 3+1 |
EEN-110 (Linear Circuit Analysis) | EEN-211 | Electrical Network Analysis | 3+1 |
CSC-112 (Programming Fundamentals) | CSC-210 | Object Oriented Programming | 3+1 |
GSC-110 (Calculus and Analytical Geometry) | GSC-220 | Complex Variables and Transforms | 3+0 |
Total | 15+3 |
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
None | HSS-120 | Communication Skills | 3+0 |
XXXX | EEN-225 | Breadth Core | 3+1 |
GSC-220 (Complex Variables and Transforms) | EEN-313 | Signals and Systems | 3+1 |
CEN-120 (Digital Logic Design) | EEN-219 | Electrical Machines | 3+1 |
GSC-110 (Calculus and Analytical Geometry) | GSC-123 | Probability Methods in Engineering | 3+0 |
Total | 15+3 |
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
GSC-110 (Calculus and Analytical Geometry) | EEN-311 | Electromagnetic Field Theory | 3+0 |
XXXX | CEN-222 | Breadth Core | 3+1 |
GSC-210 (Differential Equations) | GSC-320 | Numerical Analysis | 3+0 |
EEN-313 (Signals and Systems) | EET-321 | Communication Systems | 3+1 |
EEN-110 (Linear Circuit Analysis) | EEN-219 | IDE-II | 3+1 |
Total | 15+3 |
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
XXXX | EEN-316 | Breadth Core | 3+1 |
EEN-313 (Signals and Systems) | EEN-412 | Linear Control Systems | 3+1 |
None | HSS-423 | Entrepreneurship | 2+0 |
XXX | EEX-XXX | Elective 1 | 3+1 |
CEN-120 (Digital Logic Design) | CEN-321 | Microprocessors/ Microcontroller Based Systems | 3+1 |
Total | 14+4 |
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
None | ESC-498 | Senior Design Project – 1 | 0+3 |
None | HSS-320 | Tech. Writing & Present. Skills | 3+0 |
None | HSS-XXX | Social Sciences Elective | 3+0 |
XXXXXX | EEX-XXX | Elective 2 | 3+1 |
XXXXXX | EEX-XXX | Elective 3 | 3+1 |
Total | 12+5 |
Pre Requisite | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
XXXXXX | ESC-499 | Senior Design Project – 2 | 0+3 |
None | HSS-424 | Engineering Ethics | 2+0 |
None | HSS-411 | Engineering Economics & Management | 3+0 |
XXXXXX | EEX-XXX | Elective 4 | 3+1 |
XXXXXX | EEX-XXX | Elective 5 | 3+1 |
Total | 11+5 |
Total Credit Hours= 138 Credit Hours
6. Scheme of Studies:
Duration | 4 years |
Number of semesters | 8 |
Number of weeks per semester | 18 (16 for teaching and 2 for exams) |
Total number of credit hours | 138 |
Non-engineering courses | 15 Courses, 41 Cr Hrs, 30% of total |
Engineering courses | 28 Courses, 97 Cr Hrs, 70% of total |
7. List of Elective Courses
Power Engineering
Breadth Core:
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
EEN-433 | Power Distribution and Utilization | 3+1 |
*EEP-566 | Power System Analysis | 3+1 |
EEN-225 | Electronics Circuit Design | 3+1 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
*EEP-566 | Power System Analysis | 3+1 |
*EEP-559 | Power Generation | 3+1 |
*EET-449 | Electrical Power Transmission | 3+1 |
EEP-468 | Power Electronics | 3+1 |
*CSC-453 | Power System Protection | 3+1 |
*EEP-773 | Power System Stability & Control | 3+1 |
*EET-411 | Advanced Electrical Machine Design | 3+1 |
EEP-561 | High Voltage Engineering | 3+1 |
EEP-514 | Renewable Energy Systems | 3+1 |
EEN-325 | Digital Signal Processing | 3+1 |
EEN-437 | Digital Control Systems | 3+1 |
*EEN-432 | Analog and Digital Communication Systems | 3+1 |
*EEA-430 | Integrated Electronic Circuits | 3+1 |
*EEN-433 | PLC and Industrial Drives | 3+1 |
*EEN-438 | Advanced Electrical Machines | 3+1 |
EEP-314 | Introduction to Power Engineering | 3+1 |
EEN-445 | Industrial Electronics | 3+1 |
EEN-316 | Instrumentation and Measurements | 3+1 |
*EEN-438 | Computer Communication Networks | 3+1 |
Course Code | Course Title | |
ESC-111 | Basic Mechanical Engineering | |
GSC-104 | Surveying and leveling | |
CSC-486 | Geographical Informing System | |
ENV-440 | Energy and Environment | |
CSC-221 | Data Structure & Algorithm | |
CEN-221 | Computer Architecture & Organization | |
CSC-320 | Operating System | |
Course Outlines
Electrical Power Transmission
Prerequisite: Power Distribution and Utilization
Objectives: The course presents basics of electrical power transmission along with electrical and
mechanical design impacts on power transmission in detail and HVDC transmission is introduced.
Course Outline: Percent and per-unit quantities, selection of base and change in base of per unit quantities, node equations, one-line diagram, choice of voltage and choice of AC/DC systems, economic comparison of various transmission systems, standard voltages in Pakistan and abroad for transmission and sub-transmission. Introduction to HV, EHV and UHV system. Conductor types; resistance, skin 48 effect, line inductance based and flux considerations. Inductance of single phase and three phase lines, inductance of composite conductor line, inductance of bundled conductors, capacitance of single phase and three-phase lines, effect of earth on capacitance, capacitance of bundled conductors, parallel circuit lines, Ferranti effect. Short, medium and long transmission lines, solution of equations. Traveling waves, surge impedance loading, equivalent circuit, and power flow through the line, voltage regulation and line surges. Line supports, sag and tension calculation, total length of conductor supports at different levels, mechanical degree of safety, effect of wind pressure and ice loading, conductor vibration and use of dampers. Insulator material, types of insulators, voltage distribution over insulator string, string efficiency, methods of improving the string efficiency, testing of insulators, corona effect, corona loss, radio interference due to corona. Underground cables: types, calculation of inductance and capacitance, insulation resistance, insulation breakdown of cables, thermal characteristics of cables, calculation of current rating of the cables, fault locating techniques, cable jointing techniques. Introduction and classification of HVDC transmission.
Recommended Books:
- Stevenson, “Elements of Power System”, Latest Edition.
- Grainger and Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, Latest Edition.
Advanced Electrical Machines
Prerequisites: Electrical Machines
Objectives: Covers detailed and in depth aspects of Electrical Machines.
Course Outline: Transformers: Equivalent Circuit, per unit system of measurement, voltage regulation and efficiency, three phase transformers, types of connections, testing, and parallel operation. Synchronous Generators: Equivalent circuit and operations, Characteristics of Salient and Non-Salient poles, model parameters, Single and parallel operation, ratings. Synchronous Motors: Basic Principle, Equivalent Circuit, steady state operation: Torque speed characteristics, power factor correction, starting of synchronous motors, ratings, speed control. Induction Motors: Production of rotating field and torque, Construction, Synchronous speed, Slip and its effect on rotor frequency and voltage. Equivalent circuit. Power and torque. Losses, efficiency and power factor. Torque-speed characteristic. Starting and speed control. Induction generator. Lab
Outline: Based on above course contents
Recommended Books:
- Stephen J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals”, McGraw-Hill. (Latest Edition)
- Hubert, “Electric Machines Theory, Operation, Applications, Adjustment and Control”, Latest Ed.
Power Generation
Prerequisite: Power Distribution and Utilization
Objectives: The students learn different power plant and modes of energy conversion to generate electrical energy in this course and the concepts of fuel cells are introduced.
Course Outline: Thermal Power Plants: Sources of conventional energy and method of harnessing, special features and cycles used in steam, gas and diesel power plants, combine cycle systems and cogeneration. Location of the above plants and selection of units, prime movers and associated equipment. Hydroelectric Power Plants: The plants and their equipment, layouts, run of the river and accumulation type station, types of hydroelectric turbines and their stations. Nuclear Power Plants: Nuclear reaction, fission and fusion reaction, critical mass chain reaction, moderators, reactor control and cooling, classification of reactors, different types of reactors, radiation damages, shielding of grays neutrons, materials for construction. Thermoelectric Generators: Thermoelectric effect, solid state description of thermoelectric effect, analysis and design of thermoelectric generators, figure of merit, device configuration, solar and radioisotope powered generators, applications. MHD Generators: Gaseous conductors, analysis and design of MHD generator, problems associated with MHD generation, possible configuration. Photovoltaic Generators: Radiation principles, optical effects in semiconductors and PN junction, analysis and design of converter, fabrication of cells, solar cells in space. Fuel Cells: Thermodynamic principles, efficiency of fuel cell factors limiting the performance, design, new development in fuel cells, possibility of future use in electric vehicles. Wind power generation.
Recommended Books:
- Arche W. Culp, “Principles of Energy Conversion”, Latest Edition.
- M.M. Wakel, “Power Plant Technology”, McGraw-Hill, Latest Edition.
Power Distribution & Utilization
Prerequisite: Electrical Network Analysis
Objectives: Students are introduced to the basics of power distribution systems and effective utilization of power in heating and illumination applications.
Course Outline: Introduction to distribution system. Urban, suburban and rural distribution systems. Primary, secondary and tertiary voltages. Radial and ring main systems, application of distribution transformers, estimation of load, load characteristics, substation switch gears and bus bar arrangements, calculation of voltage drop and regulation in distribution feeders. Grounding and earthing, distribution transformer neutral, earthing resistance, earthing practice in L.V. networks. Power Factor: Disadvantages and causes of low power factor, methods for improvement, application of shunt capacitors in distribution network. Batteries & Electrochemical Processes: Main types of batteries and their working, battery charging, electroplating, electrolysis and electro-metallurgical process. Cathodic protection of poles, gas pipes, oil pipes and water structures. Heating and Welding: Electric heating, resistance, induction and dielectric heating, electric furnaces, microwave heating, electric welding, resistance welding and its types. Fundamentals of Illumination Engineering: Laws, units and terms used, requirements for good lighting, illumination schemes for various situations (street lighting, commercial/industrial lighting, stadium/flood/stage/spot lighting etc.), types of lamps, their working and relative merit.
Recommended Books:
- M. L. Anand, “A Text Book of Electrical Power”, Latest Edition.
- Turan Gonen, “Electrical Power Distribution System”, Latest Edition.
Power System Stability & Control
Prerequisite: Power Distribution and Utilization
Objectives: Different aspects of power system operation, monitoring and control are covered with an emphasis on SCADA systems.
Course Outline: Steady state and transient stability problems of multi-machine interconnected systems, Swing equation, point-by-point solution of swing equation. Equal area criterion, One machine and two-machine systems, Critical fault clearing time. Effect of fault on stability, Stability study of typical Power systems. Introduction to power system control and its importance, modes of power system operation, major tasks of operation. SCADA system, control centres, controller tuning, communication sub system, remote terminal unit, data logging. Economic dispatch, characteristics of power generation units, economic dispatch problems with and without consideration of losses, incremental fuel cost, penalty factor, economic power interchange. Voltage, power and frequency control. Evaluation of the effect of speed change on droop characteristics.
Recommended Books:
- Woolen Barg, “Power Generation, Operation and Control”, Latest Edition.
- Trosten Cegral, “Power System Control Technology”, Latest Edition.
- P. Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, Latest Edition.
Power System Analysis
Prerequisite: Electrical Network Analysis, Power Distribution and Utilization
Objectives: This course has been designed to introduce the importance of analyzing various aspects of power system. It covers power flow studies and fault analysis of both symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults in power networks. This forms the basis for power system operation, control and protection.
Course Outline: The Admittance Model and Network Calculations: Branch and Node admittances; Mutually coupled Branches in Y-bus; Equivalent Admittance Network; Modification of Y-bus; Impedance matrix and Y-bus; the method of successive elimination; Node Elimination (Kron Reduction); Triangular Factorization. The Impedance Model and Network Calculations: The bus, admittance and impedance Matrices; Thevenin’s Theorem and Z-bus; Modification of an existing Z-bus; Direct determination of Z-bus; Calculation of Z-bus elements from Y-bus ; Power Invariant Transformations; Mutually coupled branches in Z-bus. Symmetrical Faults: Transients in RL circuits; internal voltages of loaded machines. Under fault conditions; fault calculations using Zbus ; Equivalent circuits; Selection of circuit breakers. 45 Symmetrical Components and Sequence Networks: Synthesis of unsymmetrical phasors; symmetrical components of unsymmetrical phasors; Networks of a symmetrical Transmission line; sequence Networks of the synchronous Machines; Sequence Networks of Y-impedances; sequence networks; positive, negative and zero sequence networks; Unsymmetrical Faults: Unsymmetrical faults on power systems; single line-to-ground faults; line-to-line faults. Double line-to-ground faults; Demonstration problems; open conductor faults.
Recommended Books:
- B. S. William, “Elements of Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, Latest Ed.
- B. M. Weedy, “Electrical Power Systems”, Pergamon Press, Latest Ed..
- Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, Latest Ed.
Power System Protection
Prerequisite: Power Distribution and Utilization
Objectives: The course presents different types of relays, relaying schemes, circuit breakers and fuses. Topics like discrimination and coordination are also introduced.
Course Outline: Introduction to protection system, types of faults, effect of faults, fuse as protective device, types of fuses, characteristics of fuses, selection and application of fuses, discrimination and coordination, current transformer and its operation, relay construction, basic relay terminology, electromagnetic relays, thermal relays, static relays and introduction to microprocessor based protective relays, over current protection, distance protection, impedance relay, R-X 47 diagram of impedance relay, operation of impedance relay in different zones, reactance relay, differential protection of transformers, generator protection, bus bar protection, arc voltage, arc interruption, re-striking voltage and recovery voltage, resistance switching, current chopping circuit breaker, classification of circuit breakers, oil circuit breakers, airblast circuit breakers, air break circuit breakers, SFB6B circuit breakers, vacuum circuit breakers, operational mechanism and rating of circuit breakers.
Recommended Books:
- S. Rao, “Switchgear and Protection”, Khanna Publisher, Latest Edition.
- Paithanker & Bhide, “Fundamentals of Power System Protection”, Prentice Hall, Latest Edition.
Advanced Electrical Machine Design
Prerequisite: Electrical Machines
Objectives: Discussion of design and loading of Power Transformers and Induction motors is introduced and electrical equipment installation; commissioning, testing and troubleshooting practices are discussed.
Course Outline:
Part-A Machine Design: Industrial standardization, national and international standards, codes and testing laboratories, manufacturing and operating systems, design considerations for electrical machines, properties and applications of materials for magnetic machine insulation system and its design considerations, thermal time constant, cooling systems of transformers and rotating machines, duty cycles, ratings and temperature-rise, mechanical design considerations, specific loading and output equations of power transformer and induction motor, design of transformer or induction motor, introduction to computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM). Part-B Installation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Machines: Safety precautions, troubleshooting and emergency repairs. Installation, commissioning, testing, maintenance, and troubleshooting of (i) power transformers and (ii) induction motors. (iii) AC generators. Part-C Equipment Training (Practical): Measurement of magnetic flux, inductance and reluctance of a part of electrical machines, study of transformer and rotating-machine parts. Understanding operating principles, ratings and application of the following equipment: power supplies, magnetic contactors, thermal overloads, miniature circuit breakers, metallic-clad circuit breakers, earth leakage circuit breaker, clip-on meters, cable fault locators, Megger earth tester, relay testers, motor controllers, tachometers, phase tester (L.V. and H.V.). The students will have to submit a hand written report consisting of class work, design and laboratory work for evaluation and viva-voce examination. Theory paper will be from Part-A only.
Recommended Books:
- S. Rao, “Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment”, Khanna Publisher, India, Latest Edition.
- M. G. Say, “Alternating Current Machines”, Latest Edition.
Course Title: High Voltage Engineering
Pre-Requisites: (Power Distribution& Utilization)
Objectives: The demand for the generation and transmission of large amounts of electric power today, necessitates in transmission at extra-high voltages. At this juncture, a practicing electrical engineer or a student of electrical engineering is expected to possess knowledge of high voltage techniques and should have sufficient background in high voltage engineering. Upon completion of this course, the participant shall be able to understand high voltage basics and its application appreciate the design principles and critical elements of a high voltage system.
Course Outline:
Introduction, Testing voltages, Generation of High Voltages, Measurements of High Voltages,
Electrostatic Field and field stress control, Breakdown Mechanism of Gases, Breakdown in Solids and Liquids, Breakdown in Solids and Liquids, Non-destructive testing technique, Over voltages, Testing procedure and insulation coordination, Over voltages, Testing procedure and insulation coordination, Transients in Power Systems
Recommended Book:
- High Voltage Engineering by C.L Wadwa
Recommended Text(s)/Reference Books:
- High Voltage Engineering by M S Naidu
- High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals by E. Kuffel