Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC- BUKC), has organized a Seminar on “E-Commerce & Freelancing.” The session speaker was Mr. Sunny Ali, Founder & CEO of Extreme Commerce & also a #Proud Bahria University – Karachi Campus #Alumni. This session was designed for the Bahria University – Karachi Campus Campus Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff & Outsiders. This session was held on 13 Oct 2022 at 03:00 pm. Extreme Commerce (EC) is a Pakistan-based eCommerce platform and ecosystem that offers e-commerce consultancy for selling on Amazon to Individuals and businesses in the country. Video Boot Camp (VBC) is a collection of 100+ E-Commerce and digital money-making skills worldwide. VBC covers an extensive range of skills that will enable you to earn money by offering services to clients across the globe and setting up your own Amazon business, making you at least $1,000 per month.