Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus(BIC- BUKC) organized an Online Workshop on the “Business Model Canvas.”
This session was conducted by Mr. Talha Bin Shuja, Startup Expert, and Engr Syed Rizwan Ali, Assistant Professor / Manager of Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus, (BIC- BUKC), hosted the session.
This session was designed for the Students/ Startups/ & outsiders to understand the complexity of the revenue model. Nine building blocks a strategic management tool to quickly and easily define and communicate a business idea or concept. It is a one-page document that works through the fundamental elements of a business or product, structuring an idea in a coherent way approx. 50 participants were joined.
And it was held on 19 Aug 2022 at 10:30 am at BIC- BUKC Facebook Page: