Engr Syed Rizwan Ali, Assistant Professor / Head of Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC-BUKC), has been invited by the GEETECH at the Global College of Engineering And Technology(GCET), Oman and its campus of UWE Bristol, UK. To deliver an online session on”Technology and Entrepreneurship” under the theme of Embracing the Future Together. This session will be held on 17th May 2023 at 13:00.
GEETECH is a student society that conducts activities under the IEEEE and The IET Malaysia Network banner. Their primary aim is to provide a platform for students to explore and enhance their technical skills. This talk, therefore, is a significant part of their goal to provide high-quality technical entrepreneurship education to their members. This session could offer valuable insights to all of us at the Business Incubation Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus (BIC-BUKC).
Special thanks to Dr. Prof. Irfan Memon for kind invitation