E&ES-Geophysics Department students won 3rd position at Imperial Barrel Award 2020 an international competition in Asia Pacific Region (https://iba.aapg.org/competition/) under the project of “Oil and Gas Exploration study of Carnarvon Basin, Australia”. This project supervised by Dr. Haris Ahmed Khan faculty of E&ES-Geophysics Department BUKC.
AAPG’s Imperial Barrel Award Program (IBA) is an annual prospective basin evaluation competition for geoscience graduate students from universities around the world. The program is rigorous and contributes to AAPG’s mission of promoting petroleum geoscience training and advancing the careers of geoscience students. In this global competition, university teams analyze a dataset (geology, geophysics, land, production infrastructure, and other relevant materials) in the eight weeks prior to their local competition. Each team delivers their results in a 25-minute presentation to a panel of industry experts. Students have the chance to use state of the art technology on a real dataset, receive feedback from an industry panel of judges, network with potential employers in the audience. The judges will select the winning team on the basis of the technical quality, clarity and originality of presentation.
The IBA is a hands-on opportunity for students to experience the creative process and the high-tech science that is the foundation of the Energy Industry today.