Centrally located in Islamabad, Bahria University is a public sector university which offers quality education in a range of disciplines including Law. The department of Law BU is successfully running LL.B 5-years program and has also launched a short term diploma programme in Human Rights Law.
To advocate for the realization, protection and promotion of human rights in Pakistan and to outreach the violation and abuse of human rights, its genesis in cultural, ethnical, religious and other knots in the society.
This course, through an association of a qualified team of academics and research scholars will be undertaking the steps to promote research and awareness environment among academics, Judicial officers, law enforcement agents, religious scholars, lawyers and other elements of civil society in order to achieve optimum reformation in relevant spheres of state and society.
Lecture, group discussion, assignments, case studies, videos, seminars, guest lectures and research writing.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=” Course Duration/Days” title_align=”separator_align_center” align=”align_center” color=”green” style=”dashed” border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]
Admissions to BU Programs are given totally on merit. The candidate must possess a bachelor’s Degree from any recognized university/institute. Candidates having intermediate or equivalent along with five years relevant experience may also be considered.
Registration and Enrollment
Applicants who clear the interview will be granted admission subject to the payment of fee within a prescribed time limit.
Application forms can be collected from Mr. Asad from the office of the Law Department and shall be submitted latest by 29-09-2014. For info please dial 051-9262870. Form can also be downloaded from here. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Evaluation and Grading
The performance of participants will be evaluated through unseen exam (60%) and the research work (40%). Following is the evaluation grading formula in Numerical Value Grade Points:
A: 87-100, B+: 80-86, B: 72-79, C+ 66-71, C: 60-65, D: 50-59, F: Below 50
Focal Person: Abdur Rauf Khatana (Senior Lectuer in Law) Email:
[/vc_column_text][vc_button title=”Application Form” target=”_blank” color=”btn-primary” icon=”none” size=”wpb_regularsize” href=””][vc_text_separator title=”Course Details” title_align=”separator_align_center” align=”align_center” color=”green” style=”dotted” border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]Comprising three months, this diploma course will be offering a number of attractive courses. Following is breakup of the several modules with respective length (credit hours) and the course outcomes.
NO | Module | Course objectives | Resource Person/Material |
1 | The Idea of Human Rights | The module will expose the students to the definition, emergence,historical growth and codification of Human Rights. | Charles R. Beitz, The Idea of Human Rights,OUP, New York, 2007. |
2 | Public International Law:Treaties, States Responsibilitiesand Obligations. | It will enlighten the students wth the legal framework of Human Rights with which the IHRL operate. | Vienna Convention on the Law ofTreaties 1969. |
3 | International Bill of Rights | The course will exposed the participants to the universal accepted HR instruments. | UDHR 1948, ICCPR 1966, OptionalProtocols, ICEPCR 1966. |
4 | IHRL Core Instruments | Aims to introduce the students with core UN Human Rights Documents. | CEDAW, CAT, CRC and O/Ps |
5 | IHRL: The enforcementMechanism | The students will learn through this module about the international and regional Human Rights Bodies which play a key role in the protection and enforcement of Human Right. | Respective provisions of theInternational Human Rightstreaties which constitute
various Committees, Commissions and Human Rights Council.
6 | International Criminal Law(A study of the leadingContemporary International
Criminal Cases) |
Intends to equip the students with the knowledge of the principles of International Criminal Law and the jurisdiction of the ICC. | The Rome Statute 1998(Selected Cases) |
7 | Research Assignment | To acquaint the participants with the research methods and the skills of report writing. |