Saad Mubashir Sheikh
Category: Uncategorized
Published on: June 17, 2015
Last updated on July 13th, 2015

I graduated in June 2013 and was able to get employment at ExD in Sep 2013. Since then I have been looking after the Human Resource functions of the company. I was promoted to the managerial position in March 2014 and since then have been heading the overall HR of the company with its head office situated in Lahore and sub offices internationally in Riyadh, Dubai, Las Vegas and locally in Karachi, Rawalpindi and Faisalabad.

ExD is an IT company focusing on giant ERPs like SAP and Oracle. We have a customer base of around 150 odd companies including organizations like PEPSI Pakistan, SNGPL, Nishat Group, Bareeze (11 legal entities), LUMS, University of Lahore, Pharma companies like CSH, construction groups like Banu Mukhtar, a number of textile groups. International clients include Gulf Union Foods Company KSA, Middle East Paper Company, Fidelity Bank USA and much more.

I have been looking after the HR/Payroll of more than 250 consultants internationally and locally. ExD is a 6 year old company and is now having a neck-to-neck competition with companies like Ferguson, Abacus and Siemens who have been in the market since long.

My role is to analyze the Human Resource requirement (be it project based or permanent), make sure the availability of the required consultants ASAP, keeping a track of consultant’s project activities, resolving their petty issues on regular basis, representing the company on HR Forums internationally and locally, running a payroll of around 250 consultants on Oracle Human Resource Management System, evaluating performance of the consultants which consequently has impacts on the appraisals, managing the training & development of existing employees and keeping a work environment as healthy and energetic as possible.

Organization currently working for: 

Excellence Delivered ExD (Pvt.) Ltd.