The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in Electrical Engineering prepares graduates for industrial or academic research in the fields of Communication, Embedded System, Control, and Power System Engineering. PhD Electrical Engineering program focuses on producing skilled researchers who can contribute by creation of new knowledge and propose solutions to challenges faced by the practitioners and researchers of the discipline.
Program Mission:
The PhD in Electrical Engineering strives to provide an environment, which is conducive to create new knowledge, for independent or collaborative research, and to produce highly skilled professional and academicians.
Program Educational Objectives
The objectives of PhD (Electrical Engineering) program are
1. To equip scholars with necessary knowledge relevant tools and techniques to make significant contribution in the field of study by conducting quality research independently or in collaboration.
2. To prepare scholars to effectively disseminate result in the form of written and oral presentation
3. To produce skilled professionals who can take up the challenges associated with the advancement of science and technology in industry or in academia.
Program Learning Outcomes
PhD scholars who successfully complete their PhD in Electrical Engineering will be able to:
PLO 1: Perform advance research that is grounded in theory, practice and further extends the existing research in the field
PLO 2: Produce quality research that have a positive impact toward the welfare and betterment of society
PLO 3: Communicate effectively both in oral and written formats to a diverse audience.
PLO 4: Collaborate with the peers in the domain of Electrical Engineering to integrate diverse perspectives
Program structure:
The PhD program consists of 18 credit hours of course work and 36 credit hours of research work. Coursework should be completed in the first two semesters. After successful completion of coursework, a PhD scholar is required to appear in the comprehensive examination. After passing comprehensive examination PhD scholar can register in the research phase by registering THS 900 PhD Thesis course. The first milestone in research phase is to prepare and submit a research Proposal under the guidance of a supervisor. The scholar appears before a panel of examiners to defend the research proposal. After successful defense, the scholar needs to carry out his/her research and complete total 36 credits of research. The scholar will present the research finding in the form of a written thesis, which shall be evaluated as per HEC and BU rules. For further details about rules governing PhD programs refer to PhD Rules Handbook.
Semester wise breakdown of the program is as follows.
Course List (Faculty of Engineering & Sciences)
PhD students, as a part of their course work, are allowed to enroll in 700 or plus level courses (not in the PhD course list given below), if offered in MS programs at BU with the approval of FDRC.
S. No. | Course Code | Title of the Course |
Credit Hours |
1 | EEN-710 | MOS VLSI Circuit Design |
3 |
2 | EEN-711 | Real Time DSP Design and Applications |
3 |
3 | EEN-712 | Advanced Digital Communications |
3 |
4 | EEN-801 | Research Methods in PhD Studies |
3 |
5 | EEN-802 | Power management in wired and wireless systems |
3 |
6 | EEN-803 | Low Power System Design |
3 |
7 | EEN-804 | Advance System Modeling and Simulation |
3 |
8 | EEN-807 | Special Topics in distributed systems |
3 |
9 | EEN-808 | Power awareness in distributed systems |
3 |
10 | EEN-813 | Power System Stability and Dynamics |
3 |
11 | EEN-814 | Power System Transients |
3 |
12 | EEN-815 | HVDC and Flexible AC Transmission |
3 |
13 | EEN-816 | Rural Electrification and Distributed Generation |
3 |
14 | EEN-817 | Artificial Intelligence techniques in Power systems |
3 |
15 | EEN-818 | Power System Deregulation |
3 |
16 | EEN-819 | Advanced Computer Architecture |
3 |
17 | EEN-820 | Advanced Embedded Systems |
3 |
18 | EEN-821 | Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
3 |
19 | EEN-822 | Advanced Digital System Design |
3 |
20 | EEN-823 | ASIC Design Methodology |
3 |
21 | SEN-805 | Power Aware Computing |
3 |
22 | SEN-809 | Advanced Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
23 | SEN-810 | Advanced Neural Networks |
3 |
24 | SEN-811 | Data Ware housing and Mining |
3 |
25 | SEN-812 | Machine Learning |
3 |
26 | SEN-710 | Formal Methods and Specifications |
3 |
27 | SEN-719 | Human Aspects in Software Engineering |
3 |
28 | MAT-853 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
3 |
29 | *MGT-801 | Logic and Research |
3 |
30 | *MGT-802 | Advanced Qualitative Research Methods |
3 |
31 | *MGT-806 | Advanced Quantitative Research Methods |
3 |
32 | *MGT-803 | Critical Review of Literature |
3 |
33 | CSC-750 | Computer Vision |
3 |
34 | CSC-715 | Pattern Recognition |
3 |
35 | CSC-815 | Agent-Based Modeling |
3 |
36 | CSC-816 | Bio Medical Image Analysis |
3 |
* Only one course may be allowed with the approval of FDRC.