MS Electrical Engineering
Category: Past Events May 28, 2016
Last updated on March 6th, 2020

1.   Program Mission

The MS program at the department of Electrical Engineering at Bahria University strives to provide an environment which is conducive to enhance the technical knowledge of professional Engineers at an advanced level and to prepare them to conduct and present innovation and research, and to produce highly skilled professionals and academicians.

2.   Objectives

The objective of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program is to enhance the student’s technical knowledge so that they could identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems. Further, to improve their ability to conduct meaningful research and to present their work in the form of written and oral presentation. Also, to make significant contribution to the field of Electrical Engineering, MSEE program objective is to prepare professionals to meet challenges associated with science in industry or in academia or in any other public institution.

3.   MSEE(2 Years Program)

The 30 credit hour MSEE program is concerned with efficient contributions to emerging industry standards and development of competitive knowledge of Engineering.

Important motivations like collaboration between circuits and power systems as well as the design of intelligent power networks, where signal processing and communication advancement is applied to efficient energy distribution, are some clear advantages.

The combination of devices, circuits, systems and algorithms, applied to power systems, gives to EE a consistent front of interlaced technologies.The major fields of specialization are Telecommunication, Power Systems, Computer & Electronics Design and Automation & Control systems.

3.1. Eligibility Criteria:

* Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering or related disciplines from an accredited institution with minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0.

* Graduates from other engineering disciplines or 16-year degree in Computer Science, Electronics, Physics or any related discipline may be eligible for this program, subject to passing the prerequisite courses with minimum GPA 3.0 of 4.0 in each course, as recommended by the departmental graduate committee at admission time.

4.   MS(EE) Specializations:

MS in Electrical Engineering includes the following specializations or major areas:

  • Communication Systems and Networks
  • Automation and Control
  • Power Systems
  • Embedded Systems

4.1.      Communication Systems and Networks

The MS in Communication Systems and Networks aims to provide students with a sound background in techniques and issues of modern communication system particularly the wireless and internet communications. It derives its uniqueness from the research activities of the communication and signal processing research groups of the department of Electronics; providing students with a complete picture of modern communication technology as well as a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of radio communication techniques, signal processing, network protocols, and the design and optimization of communication networks.

MS research thesis/projects cover a range of applications in areas of:

  • Advanced Optical and Wireless Networks
  • Future Generation Communication Technologies
  • Cognitive Cooperative Networks
  • Digital Signal and Image Processing
  • Vehicular Networks and Intelligent Transportation Systems

4.2.      Embedded Systems:

Embedded systems are a key technology of modern society. Whether in the self-propelled industry, aerospace, medicinal technology or in telecoms, media and sport industries. Embedded systems always behave a major role in hi-tech technology.

The MS in Embedded Systems provides a solid theoretical and practical hands on experience to design

Microelectronic and mechanic devices using software-based components to respond real-time to process inputs to ensure proper operation. With the techniques used in modern digital system design using FPGAs as hardware platform and VHDL as digital design language. The program combines relevant theory, state-of-the-art tools and methodologies used in industry and academia. Special emphasis is placed on engineering skills, integration of software and hardware, system design, safety, reliability and optimization of the design process.

Focused research areas are:

  • Hardware Software Co-design approach
  • Real time Operating Systems
  • Systems on chips
  • Software Defined Radio
  • High level language Approach

4.3.      Automation and Control:

The MS in automation and control specialization aims to provide the graduates with sound engineering knowledge and broad professional skills to design, develop, implement, manage and supervise automation systems for different engineering applications. This course covers all the major disciplines in automation and control. It includes a thorough analysis of advanced control systems, industrial automation technologies, systems integration, distributed control systems and field bus protocols. This course provides an ideal platform tobegin a career as a design or development engineer in control and automated systems

4.4.      Power Systems:

The MS in power system engineering aims to provide students with theoretical and practical skills to become a design and development engineer in the area of electrical power engineering.Throughout the program students shall be exposed to industry standard computer aided software design tool and packages such as MagNet, MATLAB, Simulink, PSpice and ERACS to afford them a more hands on approach that shall leave them more attractive for prospective employers. The course develops a sound knowledge in the key subject areas of:

  • Electrical Machines
  • Electrical Power
  • Power Electronics
  • State Space Analysis and Controller Design
  • Control of Electric Drives
  • Design of Modern Electrical Machines and Drives
  • Renewable energy
  • Smart grids

5.   MS Program Requirements and Structure:

The MS Electrical Engineering program requirement is 30 credit hours. The students have two options to complete their degree, Thesis and Non-Thesis.

  • Thesis Option (MS by Research): The requirement is minimum 24 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of thesis involving research work.


  • Non-Thesis Option (MS by Course work):The requirement is minimum 30 credit hours of course work.

5.1.      Semester Roadmap for MSEE (MS by Research)

Semester 1

 i. Stochastic Systems (Core-I)
 ii. Core – II
iii. Elective – I

Semester 2

  i. Core-III
  ii. Core – IV
  iii. Research Methodology

Semester 3

   i. Core – V
   ii. Elective – II / Thesis

Semester 4

   i. Elective – III
   ii. Elective – IV / Thesis

5.2.      Semester Roadmap for MSEE (MS by Coursework)

Semester 1

 i. Stochastic Systems (Core-I)
 ii. Core – II
iii. Elective – I

Semester 2

  i. Core-III
  ii. Core – IV
  iii. Elective – II (University Requirement)

Semester 3

   i. Elective – III
   ii. Elective – IV

Semester 4

   i. Elective – V
   ii. Elective – VI


The Core and Elective courses of all three specializations are listed below. It is mandatory to pass all the core courses mentioned in the roadmap and offered for respective domain.

6.   Communication Systems and Networks

6.1.      Core Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Core Course Title Credit Hours
1. EEN510 Stochastic Processes 3
2. EET555 Wireless and Mobile Communications 3
3. EEN712 Advanced Digital Communications Systems 3
4. EET762 Communication Networks Arch & Protocols 3

6.2.       List of Elective Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1. EET766 RF System Engineering and Design 3
2. EET750 Antennas Theory, Design and Applications 3
3. EET447 Radar Systems 3
4. EET449 Satellite Communications 3
5. EET755 Wireless Communication Techniques 3
6. EEN740 Embedded System Design for Telecommunications 3
7. EET756 Telecommunication Switching Systems 3
8. EET560 Telecommunication Network Management 3
9. EET706 Advanced Optical Fiber Networks 3
10. EET725 Advanced Routing and Switching 3
11. EET726 Advanced Internet Technologies 3
12. EET723 Optimization Techniques
13. EET850 Wireless Sensor Networks 3
14. EET713 Advanced Network Design 3
15. EET757 Mobile Computing 3
16. EET552 Multimedia Networking 3
17. EET702 Advanced Network Security 3
18. CEN745 Advanced Digital Image Processing 3
19. ESC716 Advanced Topics inWireless &Networking 3
20. ESC501 Research Methodology (Univ Requirement) 3
21. EET553 Information Theory and Coding 3
22. EEN725 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3
23. EET727 Cognitive Cooperative Networks 3

7.   Automation and Control

7.1.      Core Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Core Course Title Credit Hours
1. EEN510 Stochastic Systems 3
2. EEN524 Electronic Design and Analysis 3
3. EEN726 Modern Control Theory 3
4. EEN725 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3

7.2.      Elective Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Elective Course Title Credit Hours
1. EEP712 Advanced Power Electronics 3
2. EEA713 Robust Multivariable Control system 3
3. EEN523 Electronic Instruments 3
4. CEN507 Embedded Control System 3
5. EEN509 Non-Linear Control Systems 3
6. EEN506 Solid State Devices 3
7. CEN508 Distributed Control Systems 3
8. CEN758 Robotics and Intelligent sensors 3
9. CSC749 Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Control Systems 3
10. EEA540 Mechatronics 3
11. CEN722 Advanced Interfacing Techniques 3
12. EEA741 Advanced Topic in Industrial Automation 3
13. EEA702 Advanced Topic in Control Systems 3
14. CEN745 Advanced Image Processing 3
15. ESC501 Research Methodology (Univ Requirement) 3
16. EEA703 Dynamic Modelling Systems 3
17 EET723 Optimization Techniques 3
18. EEA704 Adaptive Control Systems 3

8.   Power Systems

8.1.      Core Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Core Course Title Credit Hours
1. EEN510 Stochastic Systems 3
2. EEP514 Renewable Energy 3
3. EEP558 Power Transmission and Distribution 3
4. EEP559 Power Generation and Plant Operation 3

8.2.      Elective Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Elective Course Title Credit Hours
1. EEP716 Advanced Power System Analysis 3
2. EEP717 Advanced Power System Planning 3
3. EEP718 Advanced Power System Protection 3
4. EEP561 High Voltage Engineering Design 3
5. EEP754 Smart Grid System Operation 3
6. EEP521 Design of Electrical Machines 3
7. EEP564 Hydel Power Generation 3
8. EEP565 Integration of Distributed Generation 3
9. EEP566 Power System Reliability 3
10. EEP719 Advanced Topics in Power Systems Engineering 3
11. EEP514 Renewable Energy 3
12. EEP757 Non-Conventional Energy Systems 3
13. EEP516 Solar Power Generation 3
14. EEP517 Wind Power Generation 3
15. EEP519 Hybrid Power Systems 3
16. EEP714 Advanced Topics in Renewable Energy 3
17. EEP723 Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation 3
18. EEP720 Computer Methods in Power Systems 3
19. EEP721 Insulation Co-ordination in Power Systems 3
20. EEP716 Advanced Power Electronics 3
21. EEP502 Advanced Power System Operation and Control 3
22. EEP501 Research Methodology (Univ. Requirement) 3

9.   Embedded Systems

9.1 Core Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Core Course Title Credit Hours
1. EEN510 Stochastic Systems 3
2. EEN725 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3
3. CEN741 ASIC and FPGA Design 3
4. CEN540 Embedded Systems Design 3

9.2 Elective Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1. CEN760 Reconfigurable Computing 3
2. CEN740 Advanced Embedded System Design 3
3. EET731 Modeling, Simulation and Specification 3
4. CEN745 Advanced Image Processing 3
5. CEN501 Embedded Operating Systems 3
6. CEN760 Advanced Algorithms & Complexity 3
7. EEP501 Research Methodology (Univ. Requirement) 3
8. CEN741 ASIC Design Methodology 3
9. CEN742 Advanced Digital System Design 3
10. CEN761 System Level Packaging 3
11. CEN752 Advanced VLSI System Design 3
12. CEN502 Mixed Signal IC Design 3
13. CEN503 Computerized Tomography Systems
14. CEN504 Digital Data Acquisition & Control 3
15. CEN762 Advanced Topic in Embedded Systems 3
16. CEN763 System on Chip Architecture and Programming 3
17. CEN764 Design of Fault-Tolerant Systems 3
18. CEN765 Selected Topics in Digital Systems 3
19. CEN720 Advanced Computer Architecture 3