Dr. Nazia Talat
Category: Faculty
Published on: September 2, 2019
Last updated on July 24th, 2020
Personal Information
Name Nazia Talat  
Email naziatalat.buic@bahria.edu.pk
Phone 9260002 ext 1410
Research Area Applied Mathematics
Number of Publications Conferences – 5
Journals – 6
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Computer Science
University Bahria University Islamabad Campus
Degree Passing Year Majors University
PhD 2018 Applied Mathematics University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
MS 2014 Applied Mathematics Air University Islamabad
BS 2012 Applied Mathematics Preston University Islamabad
Teaching Experience
Designation From To Organization
Assistant Professor Sept 2019 Date Bahria University, Islamabad.
Teaching Assistant 2015 2017 University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Teaching Assistant 2013 2014 Air University Islamabad

Journal Publications

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Walayat, K., Talat, N., Jabeen, S., Usman, K., and Liu, M. (2020). sedimentation of general shaped particles using multigrid fictitious boundary method.

Physics of Fluids (POF). 32:063301


Talat, N., Mavrič, B., Hatić V., Bajt, S., and Šarler, B. (2018). Phase field simulation of Rayleigh-Taylor instability with the meshless method.



Talat, N., Mavrič, B., Belšak, G., Hatić V., Bajt, S., and Šarler, B. (2018). Development of the meshless phase field method for two-phase flow.

International Journal of Multiphase Flow (IJMF). 108:169-180.


Shah, T.M., and Talat, N., (2013). Three dimensional analysis and application of a line solver for the recirculating flows using multi-grid methods.

International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT). 3:454-460


Shah, T.M., and Talat, N., (2013). A Comparison of characteristic-based split algorithm and multi-grid method for solution of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.

International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET-IJENS). 13:5-11.


Shah, T.M., and Talat, N., (2013). Von Neumann stability analysis of reduced Navier-Stokes equations in vorticity-stream function formulation. International Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences (IJBAS-IJENS). 13:68-74.

Conference Proceedings

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Šarler, B., Belšak, G., Talat, N., Zahoor, R., and Bajt, S. (2017). Modeling and simulation of gas-focused micro jets = Modeliranje in simulacijeplinskofokusiranihmikrocurkov. The 16th Symposium of Physicists of the University of Maribor, Slovenia.


Šarler, B., Dobravec, T.,Hatić, V., Hanoglu, U., Maćek, M., Mavrič, B., Talat, N., and Vertnik, R. (2017). An overview on collocation meshless approach for solving multiscale and multiphysics problems. International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science (ICCES), Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal.


Talat, N., and Shah, T.M. (2013). Analysis and application of suitable numerical techniques for solving partial differential equations of thermo-fluid flow engineering problems in industries. Symposium on Computational Complexities, Innovations and Solutions (CCIS) COMSATS Abbottabad, Pakistan.


Talat, N., and Shah, T.M. (2013). Von Neumann stability of various numerical techniques. International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamic (ICCFD)LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan.


Talat, N., and Shah, T.M. (2014). Flow control through synthetic jet actuators on specific aeroplane wing-predicted by solving time-dependent two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. Symposium on Computational Complexities, Innovations and Solutions (CCIS) COMSATS Abbottabad, Pakistan.