The Department of Computer Science would like to thank former Head of Department Mr Fazal Wahab who has been promoted to Director Quality Assurance, Bahria Headquarters, Bahria University, Islamabad.
The Department of Computer Science also celebrates the announcement that Associate Professor Dr Faisal Bashir has been appointed the new Head of Department, since May 9th 2016. Dr Faisal Bashir did his MSc in Computer Science from International Islamic University, Islamabad in 2002 and PhD in Computer Engineering from Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey in 2008 majoring in Wireless Sensor Networks. Furthermore, Dr Faisal Bashir did his Post Doctorate in 2013 from Chosun University, South Korea majoring in ZigBee Networks. Last but not the least, Dr Faisal has published over 36 research papers in Ad hoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Personal Area Networks and Wireless Body Area Networks.
We congratulate both Mr Fazal Wahab and Dr Faisal on their promotions and outstanding achievements.